Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 9 No 23 The beginning

The beginning of my journey into Learning 2.0 certainly not the end. I always loved the challenge of learning. This course was a big challenge, each exercise presented its difficulties and certainly did not take half an hour a week to complete. I enjoyed Flickr, YouTube, Mashups, Rollyo and blogging. I enjoyed taking my knowledge of the internet to a new level. Now not only can I search the internet but I have taken my very fist tentative steps to joining the world online community. Its a bit scary as I haven't quiet grasped the concept of staying anonymous. I need to be more mindful of my personal space in this online world. My next challenge is to

1. Read an Online book.
2. See if I can contact some lost High School Friends on Facebook.
3. Continue blogging.
4. Set up a blog for my daughter's kindergarten.

and sign myself up for the next installment, there will be another installment I hope.

A big thankyou to Paul for help over the last 12 weeks.

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