Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Week 7 No 16 Wikis

A couple of days ago I learnt about Wikis. A wiki is a website tool that allows the user to add, remove and edit details and information. The best known wiki is Wikipedia, which is an online community encyclopedia, where anyone expert or not can edit, add or delete the content. I remember a recent controversy when the Australian federal government was found to have edited the Tampa entry in Wikipedia, there was an accusation of a desire to change history. Apparently you are able to track who is making edits or deletions. The best thing is that you don't need to know HTML to contribute to Wikis. A major disadvantage to Wikis like Wikipedia is that because anyone can contibute you don't need to be a proven authority to publish what you believe to be facts. So Wikipedia can be filled with opinions, rather than just facts.

Another use for Wikis is for online subject guides like SJCPL. The Book lovers Wikis was intersting to look at. This required a subscription to be a part of this reviewing community. They organised a summer reading club where participants could win prizes. Maybe Eastern Regional Libraries could organise something like this...I also looked at Library success a best practice Wikki at . Being part of this wikki encourage you to share ideas about what your library is doing with technology. very interesting wikki that I will definitely look into further.

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